Today I'm going to meet with a close friend. It may be the last time I meet with him.

He has remained childless because he refuses to use IVF on religious grounds. His wife wants to use IVF and they both want children. He has wasted seven years of her life and she is getting close to 40, the window is closing.

I have tried to talk to him in a nonjudgmental way up until now, and I know he's gotten the judgmental take from others. But I can't stay silent anymore. What's he's done is a sin, worse than abortion in my opinion.

When we were going for our third around the same age the fertility clinic said she has a "diminished ovarian reserve". Which is fancy talk for her ovaries eggs were probably one or two years further along than her age would say. It was a miracle our third was born.

According to my friend, I am now in a state of mortal sin. The equivalent of getting an abortion, of being a murderer. As I don't think I did anything wrong I have no plans to confess and repent. Therefore, I'm going to hell according to him.

I hope to change his mind, but if not I think that it's time to acknowledge that the church is just loopy on this. I very much hope my kids use IVF one day, and if raising them in the church will prevent that I will ditch the church.

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Perhaps pro-life leaders should be reminded that the American Solidarity Party is totally pro-life. Its presidential candidate is on the ballot in enough key states to ruin Trump's chances of winning. Using the threat of an alternate candidate vote could be enough leverage to get Trump back into the pro-life camp.

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